In 2006, the Davidson Academy opened as the first school of its kind for profoundly gifted middle and high school students. In the years prior to the school's opening, the Davidsons established the Davidson Institute, a 501(c)3 operating foundation designed to help our nation's most gifted youth reach their highest potential.
In 2004, the first annual THINK Summer Institute, a three-week academic summer camp for students (ages 13-16) to earn college credits, was held on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno. Attendees stated that this was the first time they have been challenged academically.
The Davidsons decided to create the Academy as an outgrowth of the THINK Summer Institute and Young Scholars program, upon learning of the interest shown by many parents. The years following led to the creation of the STARS Summer Camp and REACH Summer Seminar.
Now, the Davidson Institute offers programs for families to foster relationships with other Davidson families in addition to its summer camps. See details on these Davidson Institute summer programs for profoundly gifted students and their families below!