Gifted Curriculum for Middle School
The Davidson Academy gifted curriculum for middle school is structured around high school level material tailored to profoundly gifted students. An advanced middle school curriculum based on core courses incorporates age-appropriate methods. Content in middle school classes is often broken into smaller units for teaching and testing purposes. Since middle school transcripts are impermanent and do not follow students after graduation, middle school is an opportune time for students to acclimate to the demands of a highly rigorous curriculum.
Middle School Gifted Courses
The Davidson Academy’s classes group students by ability rather than age, offering gifted middle and high school-level curricula for students ages 9 and up. We are a fully-accredited school for exceptionally gifted students and have centered on interpersonal and instructional-based learning, creating a vibrant atmosphere with intellectual energy and dialogue.
Ability Grouping
At Davidson Academy, we’ve found that for gifted students, traditional grouping based on age can hold students back from achieving their full potential. We practice ability grouping and place students in courses based on their ability level. This method improves academic performance and helps younger students take part in the gifted middle school curriculum earlier than they would with a traditional education.
Online Middle School for Gifted Students
An online program can be a great option for gifted students. These programs can deliver material at a faster pace and provide a lot of flexibility for students and families. We offer a gifted curriculum for middle school via Davidson Academy Online.
Prospective Learning Plan (PLP)
The PLP is an adaptable document that is used to guide students through a rigorous core curriculum and help them make elective decisions based on their interests and commensurate with their levels of ability, achievement, and motivation. PLPs help outline the middle school curriculum for students to match their abilities and interests.
Teaching Methods
The gifted middle school curriculum is taught by a variety of licensed secondary teachers, university professors, and qualified community members. Teacher selection is based upon a combination of traits which include professional qualifications, sincere warmth, ingenuity, and passion for their subject areas and for teaching.
Academics FAQs
Here you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions about the Davidson Academy’s academic offerings and gifted curriculum for middle school. Learn more about class sizes, logistics of university course offerings, and other specific information about educational approach for gifted students.